Just some thoughts on consistency from my experience in business and in the Army. I have seen a lot of executed plans. Some that sounded great, some that sounded dumb and some that sounded too easy or too complex.
But it wasn’t always the good ones that were successful, sometimes the complex ones worked and I saw great ideas fail. I was interested in this and kept it in the back of my mind, taking notes on it when I noticed things. (I take a lot of random notes on my phone app) I am usually just very curious why some things work and others don’t.
I found that even a terrible plan when fully executed and supported worked. But this led to another question. How was a seemingly dumb idea fully supported and executed well?
Well, the answer was that the idea may have only been dumb to me an outsider, and that within the idea was a consistency that the organization was used to and very familiar with.
When I heard great ideas in an organization and then saw it fail. I realized it failed because there were simply too many good ideas all the time and the issues weren’t just in the ideas it was in the consistency of an idea.
But consistency in what?
I believe it had to do with consistency in what it expected out of its team. The team knew what their job was and what was expected out of them. That never changed. It was when the expectation of and from the team changed that the team could get frustrated or face disappointment that was far more crippling.
Lessoned Learned…
The idea isn’t as important as the execution and the best execution is within consistency.